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Our patients present with a broad spectrum of musculoskeletal pain in all regions of the body.
We commonly treat the lumbar spine(lower back), the cervcial spine(the neck), the shoulder complex, the thoracic spine(mid to upper back), the TMJ(the jaw) the knee, the foot, the hip, the arm and all the symptoms that arise from the dysfunction.
We not only treat the joint, we can work on the structures around the joint including the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, as well as the blood flow and lymph flow.
We aim to seek out and correct the root cause of the pain, while also treating the symptoms
The lumbar spine is one of our most common complaints that we see and treat each day.
We can help with joint sprains, muscle strains, managements of degenerative joints(osteoarthritis), disc- related injuries, sciatica or sciatic- like symptoms and implementing a management plan to help better manage our patients lower back pain.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
The Cervical Spine is another common area of complaint that we see and treat daily.
We often have patients present with neck pain that can be postural related(tech - neck) due to work ergonomics, wry neck(torticollis), muscle strains and joint sprains, degenerative changes(osteoarthritis) causing decreased range of motion and pain, nerve related pain and headaches.
Headaches are very multifactorial, but it is always worth considering and treating the cervical spine to help manage and resolve headaches.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
The shoulder joint is a complex joint made up of three bones - the humerus(the arm bone), the clavicle(collarbone) and the scapula(the shoulder blade) - these bones are held together with a host of muscles(rotator cuff and others), ligaments(connect bone to bone), and tendons(connect muscle to bone), a surrounding membrane, as well as containing fascia and bursas(sacks of fluid) to function as a multi axial joint - it has the largest amount of movement in terms of range of motion, but often is the least stable joint.
On top of that, there are a lot of structural connections to the neck. So it is not called the shoulder complex for nothing.
We treat rotator cuff muscle strains and hypertonic (tight) rotator cuff muscles, degenerative changes in the joint, AC and other articulating joints, adhesive capsulitis( frozen shoulder), postural alignment issues, we do this by decreasing tissue(muscle) tension, improving blood flow and increasing range of motion that is limited.
We may give postural correction exercises and shoulder stability exercises if required.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
The mid to upper back can be often comprised in terms of function after years of incorrect posture, unavoidable work ergonomics, degeneration changes of joints, previous trauma or accidents, poor sleeping arrangements or a cervical spine or lumbar spine issue.
The diaphragm is a large muscle that is positioned at the base of the ribs, and one of its main functions is to move the rib cage so you can breathe, sometimes the diaphragm can become inactive due to dysfunctional breathing. Dr Kirk may release your diaphragm to help restore its function.
Thoracic spine issues we see are postural strains(desk work at office or school), joint sprains, muscle strains, mobility issues and post partum related activities (caring for babies or infants).
Again, we make sure to treat the surrounding areas to restore function.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
TMJ(Temporomandibular Joint) can be very debilitating and patients complain of the jaw joint aching, often experiencing pain while eating, yawning or even talking. TMJ dysfunction can be an underlying cause of headaches, clicking jaw and digestion issues.
We will assess the movement of your jaw and the cervical spine and the level of hypertonicity(tightness) of related muscles.
Often Dr Kirk will go intra orally(inside your mouth) to release the muscles responsible for biting, chewing and yawning to improve the function of the TMJ.
You will also be given simple strategies and self care procedure to keep your symptoms from exacerbating.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
The knee is the largest joint in our body and is made up of 4 bones, ligamnets, tendons, membranes, bursas and fascia. Lots can go wrong with the knee!
We often treat the muscles above and below the knee, and like always, aim to improve the function and range of motion.
Knee issues we treat include asymmetrical muscles above and below the knee, osteoarthritic knees, adolescent conditions like osgood schlatters, developmental knee pain, ligament and tendon issues and fluid flow issues through the knee.
Stretches, exercises and management for ongoing knee pain is often prescribed.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
We treat a variety of foot related pain, including plantar fasciitis, osteoarthritic changes, heel bursitis, ankle sprains and occasionally we will find the odd Morton's Neuroma(very painful cyst) which will usually require surgery at some point.
Dr Kirk may refer you to a podiatrist or for imaging if required.
The hip joints and pelvis are often seen as the epicentre of our body, that why we especially take a holistic approach when treating hip pain.
Hip conditions that we see are trochanteric bursitis( swelling of the bursa at outer aspect of the femur - the large top leg bone), degeneration changes in hip, labral(membrane adjacent) tears, uneven hips (patients often feel like "they are out") due to muscular imbalance or previous injuries to knees or feet, and hip range of motion issues.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicted.
The arm is comprised of the shoulder joint, the elbow joint and the wrist along with all its accompanying bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and bursas, so again, lots of structures can become dysfunctional.
We often see elbow pain including tennis elbow, golfers elbow, nerve related pain including carpel tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritic pain, tendon related pain, RSI (repetitive strain injuries) and the the occasional ganglion cyst.
Dr Kirk may refer you for imaging if indicated.
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